Why is it so important for our Goalkeeper Academy to be present on Social Media?
We noticed that our strong presence on Social Media and frequent updates with valuable content, not only does it build brand reputation but most of all is gathers loyalty among our followers, goalkeepers and their families and not just them that are in the area, but on a much larger geographic scale.

It’s widely understood that social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, X, LinkedIn…) plays a very important role in building an organization’s reputation. In fact, nearly 95% of Soccer Organization CEO’s and Club owners acknowledge that it has a positive impact on brand loyalty. Social media gives brands just like ours the opportunity to connect with their preferred audience “YOU” on a more personal level, creating authentic, direct and most of all lasting connections.
Roughly 70% of potential consumers follow brands on social media in order to stay informed about new products and services, in our case Goalkeeper Gloves and our on-site services such as Goalkeeper Camps and Private Lessons.. The Social Media platforms have become the new shopping catalog, we like many use them to post our latest news updates, event billboard… and have taken a huge slice out of the Search Engine Monopoli. I can throw out a perfect example. Our website receives roughly 1,200 unique visitors per day. 33% is search engine traffic while over 50% comes through the various social media accounts we have on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and X (Twitter).
Then there is Social Media Data and insights offered by each platform. These also are critical for us to understand what the customer is seeking and helps our company to deliver better customer care.
A recent research shows that Social Media paid advertising vs Search Engine Pay Per Click is also more productive and this is why 66% of the MLS and USL clubs invest more in social media advertising than the traditional Google/Bing PPC. However, we have found other ways to promote “Cost-Free” rather than investing in paid content.
If your soccer organization is taking social media lightly then think again as you are missing out on a huge slice of free direct and pinpointed visitors!!